Monthly Archives: August 2014


The Devil with Three Golden Hairs

by Eurythmy West Midlands. A family show of colourful, dynamic movement in this uplifting, lesser-known tale from the Brothers Grimm. Live story-telling with eurythmy and music. Glasshouse Arts Centre, Saturday 25th October, 2pm.  Tickets £5/£4 concession, family of 4 £15. Part … more…


A November Day

by Thingumajig Theatre. In forgotten boxes in an attic, a woman discovers the story of her grandfather, a survivor of the First World War, and his unexpected encounter with a stray dog who knew no boundaries. With evocative puppet characters, … more…


The Struggle for Truth about the First World War and Britain’s 21st Century Choices

Talk by Terry Boardman. How does our understanding of the First World War relate to the choices the British people have to make today? Terry Boardman is a writer, translator and internationally active lecturer on history and current affairs. Glasshouse … more…


Kingdom of Fire and Clay

AN ISRAELI AND AN IRANIAN. Two young artists meet – sworn enemies or possibly best friends? watch the trailer: A storytelling and music performance about animosity and friendship. Friday September 19th 7.30pm. Tickets £8/£6 After performing two separate but … more…