Introduction to Enamelling – with (enamel artist) Carol Griffin

from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm

Working with powdered enamel, this introductory day will include a taster selection of techniques, e.g. how to prepare copper blanks, sifting and firing, stencils and riso screens and decorative media/embedding.  You will complete up to four pieces to take home with you – choosing from pendants, brooches, small panels or mini works of art.

All equipment, tools, materials and findings included.  Suitable for beginners or those with some experience of enamelling.  Appropriate for adults and children (aged 9+) with a paying adult.  May also be utilised as a continuation day from the 2 Day Course, meaning that those students attending the decals and transfers workshop will continue to have access to these materials too.

Cost: £45 per person

Contact Luane Steele to confirm your booking –

mobile: 07515 474142


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